Tanggal 4 November 2010
Jam 08.00-10.00
Bahan UAS
Dentofacial Anomaly |
Orofacial Pain |
Oral manifestation and consideration related to non-infection of sistemic disease |
Blog ini berisikan Pengumuman yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan belajar dan mengajar di DSP 5 FKG UNPAD
Dentofacial Anomaly |
Orofacial Pain |
Oral manifestation and consideration related to non-infection of sistemic disease |
Bahan UTS |
Pigmented Lesions |
Ulcerative, vesicular, and bullous lesions |
Red and white lesions of oral mucosa |
Oral Pracancer, Oral Cancer, Beningn Tumors |
Salivary Gland Disease |